PDFsharp & MigraDoc Foundation

PDFsharp in C++ code
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Author:  tsigdz [ Fri Nov 03, 2006 7:52 pm ]
Post subject:  PDFsharp in C++ code

Do you have a version of PDFsharp in C++ code?
If yes, where can I get it?
If no, how can I use C# vesion in VC++?

Thank you very much.

Author:  Stefan Lange [ Fri Nov 03, 2006 10:11 pm ]
Post subject: 

>>Do you have a version of PDFsharp in C++ code?
No, because C# is compiled to managed code and can be used from any .NET language like VB.NET or C++/CLI.

>>If no, how can I use C# vesion in VC++?
You must compile your C++ project with the /clr switch to create managed code (instead of native assembler code). The syntax of C++ code that calls managed code depends on the version of Visual C++ you use.
Visual C++ 2005 includes new syntax for writing applications to target the common language runtime. The Microsoft documentation explains in great detail what to do.

Stefan Lange

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