PDFsharp & MigraDoc Foundation

Pagination only on first page (MigraDoc)
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Author:  IRlyDunno [ Fri Mar 19, 2021 8:45 am ]
Post subject:  Pagination only on first page (MigraDoc)


I need to add pagination to a pdf only if it has more than one page,

I know that MigraDoc does not have a concept of pages until the render of the document, but, is there a way to do what I need to do?

I already add pages to the header, I just need to know if theres a way to add pagination only if the document has more than one page.

Thanks in advance.

Author:  TH-Soft [ Fri Mar 19, 2021 1:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Pagination only on first page (MigraDoc)

You can have pagination that starts on the second page. Maybe that is enough for your case.

Otherwise, start with the most likely case (e.g. with pagination) and prepare the document. If it has at least two pages then render it.
If it only has a single page, remove the pagination and prepare again, then render it.
If you print e.g. invoices, then maybe you make a good guess based on the number of records used for the document.

Or render the document without pagination and add the pagination later as needed with PDFsharp. You can render in a for loop and add the pagination before saving the document. This way there is no overhead with respect to CPU load.
Rendering in a loop is shown here:

Author:  IRlyDunno [ Mon Mar 22, 2021 9:54 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Pagination only on first page (MigraDoc)


What I ended up doing was exactly that,

I prepare the documento check the current number of pages, and remove the elements on the cell that has the pagination (looping through the objects in the primary footer).
I find the cell by using the Tag property.

So what I did, step by step, in case someone needs it is:
1- Start generating the pdf;

2- When I need to make the footer (where I have my pagination), I add a Tag with a string "draws_pagination_if_one_page" to the cell that contains pagination (Since I use tables in the footer).

3- Generate the rest of the pdf.

4- Before rendering and saving it, I use the PrepareDocument() method like this:
// mDocument is my MigraDoc document
DocumentRenderer _renderer = new DocumentRenderer(mDocument);

this way I can get the page count like this:
int pageCount = _renderer.FormattedDocument.PageCount;

5- since I have the page count and the document is not rendered I can still make changes to it.
So I loop through the ((Section)mDocument.Sections.First).Footers.Primary.Elements.
until I find the Cell where
Tag?.ToString() == "draws_pagination_if_one_page"
if exists

6- After and if I find the cell I just do
// Note that here I'm doing it on the first section's Footer, since thats the only footer configuration I use,
// if you use other types of footers you'll need to adjust the solution for your needs

7- Then I just render and save the document.

The way that Thomas adviced, this is, adding the pagination during the render on the for loop will be more performant, but this, at least for my needs, is enough.

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