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PostPosted: Tue Dec 14, 2021 7:27 pm 

Joined: Tue Dec 14, 2021 7:21 pm
Posts: 4
Nuget package 1.50.5147

I have recently used PDF sharp to create tickets by gathering information from a data reader and using an Acroform template to create a document for each line of date required as an Acrofo. This has worked fine and I finish with a set of flatenned files eg: Doc1034-1.pdf, Doc1034-2.pdf and Doc1034-3.pdf. All good!

I then try to concatenate the files to end up a 3 page document eg: DOC1034-0.pdf

That is where I have problems. My individual files all open properly in Acrobat Reader and have all the correct information including a Barcode. However my concatenated file does not show any date in the field when files are opened in Acrobat. But ... when selected in File Explorer, the preview shows the data fields (although the barcode is shown in standard font)

I have tried several processes to create this file: a) create all individual files and then try to concatenate b) create each file and insert into output document before creating next file and c) Create individual files and then draw them to the output document.In all processes I have used the flatten method to 'fix' the form

All methods have the same consistent result so it is clearly something I dont understand about the concatenate process or layout. Can someone give me some suggestion where I am going wrong?

Public Sub CreateTix(intPTTransID As Integer)

Dim intAATransId, intAAItem As Integer
Dim strAATixNo, strAAWhCh, strAACust, strAAParty, strAALeadTix, strAADocType, strAABarcode, strOPname, strOPfinalName As String

Dim strIPtixpath As String = strNamePath & "\PDTIX"
Dim strOPtixPath As String = strNamePath & "\PDTIX\Created"

Dim strCreateDocsSelectString As String = "SELECT * FROM ProcDocsSH WHERE TransID = " & IntTransID
Dim conCreateDocs As New OleDbConnection
conCreateDocs.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source= " & strDataFolder & "\" & strData1File
Dim cmdCreateDocsCommand As OleDbCommand = New OleDbCommand(strCreateDocsSelectString, conCreateDocs)

cmdCreateDocsCommand.CommandType = CommandType.Text
Dim rdrCreateDocsReader As OleDbDataReader = cmdCreateDocsCommand.ExecuteReader
Dim rowcounter As Integer = 0
Dim totRows As Integer = 0

If rdrCreateDocsReader.HasRows Then

While rdrCreateDocsReader.Read()
strAADocType = rdrCreateDocsReader("ItemDesc")

If strAADocType <> "MA" And strAADocType <> "MU" And strAADocType <> "EA" And strAADocType <> "EU" Then
rowcounter += 1
intAAItem = rowcounter
intAATransId = IntTransID
strAACust = rdrCreateDocsReader("PFCust")
strAATixNo = rdrCreateDocsReader("PFTixNo")
strAAWhCh = rdrCreateDocsReader("PFWhCh")
strAAParty = rdrCreateDocsReader("PFParty")
strAALeadTix = rdrCreateDocsReader("PFLeadTixNo")
strAABarcode = "*" & strAATixNo & "*"
strOPname = "Doc" & intAATransId.ToString & "-" & intAAItem.ToString & ".pdf"

File.Copy(strIPtixpath & "\" & strAADocType & "PFTemplate.pdf", strOPtixPath & "\" & strOPname, True)

Dim document As PdfDocument = Pdf.IO.PdfReader.Open(strOPtixpath & "\" & strOPname, IO.PdfDocumentOpenMode.Modify)

If document.AcroForm.Elements.ContainsKey("/NeedAppearances") = False Then
document.AcroForm.Elements.Add("/NeedAppearances", New PdfSharp.Pdf.PdfBoolean(True))
document.AcroForm.Elements("/NeedAppearances") = New PdfSharp.Pdf.PdfBoolean(True)
End If

Dim currentfield As AcroForms.PdfTextField

'SetAttr value of fields
currentfield = document.AcroForm.Fields("PFStubCust")
Dim fieldvalue As PdfString = New PdfString(strAACust)
currentfield.Value = fieldvalue

currentfield = document.AcroForm.Fields("PFCust")
fieldvalue = New PdfString(strAACust)
currentfield.Value = fieldvalue

currentfield = document.AcroForm.Fields("PFStubTixNo")
fieldvalue = New PdfString(strAATixNo)
currentfield.Value = fieldvalue

currentfield = document.AcroForm.Fields("PFLTixNo")
fieldvalue = New PdfString(strAATixNo)
currentfield.Value = fieldvalue

currentfield = document.AcroForm.Fields("PFRTixNo")
fieldvalue = New PdfString(strAATixNo)
currentfield.Value = fieldvalue

currentfield = document.AcroForm.Fields("PFStubParty")
fieldvalue = New PdfString(strAAParty)
currentfield.Value = fieldvalue

currentfield = document.AcroForm.Fields("PFParty")
fieldvalue = New PdfString(strAAParty)
currentfield.Value = fieldvalue

currentfield = document.AcroForm.Fields("PFStubTrans")
fieldvalue = New PdfString(intAATransId.ToString)
currentfield.Value = fieldvalue

currentfield = document.AcroForm.Fields("PFTrans")
fieldvalue = New PdfString(intAATransId.ToString)
currentfield.Value = fieldvalue

currentfield = document.AcroForm.Fields("PFWhCh")
fieldvalue = New PdfString(strAAWhCh)
currentfield.Value = fieldvalue

currentfield = document.AcroForm.Fields("PFStubWhCh")
fieldvalue = New PdfString(strAAWhCh)
currentfield.Value = fieldvalue

If strAADocType = "MC" Or strAADocType = "EC" Then

currentfield = document.AcroForm.Fields("PFStubLeadTixNo")
fieldvalue = New PdfString(strAALeadTix)
currentfield.Value = fieldvalue

currentfield = document.AcroForm.Fields("PFLeadTixNo")
fieldvalue = New PdfString(strAALeadTix)
currentfield.Value = fieldvalue

currentfield = document.AcroForm.Fields("PFBarcode")
fieldvalue = New PdfString(strAABarcode)
currentfield.Value = fieldvalue
End If

document.Save(strOPtixPath & "\" & strOPname)
End If

End While

' NOW JOIN ALL PDFs INTO ONE DOCUMENT in separate routine

Dim joineddoc As Pdf.PdfDocument = New PdfDocument
Dim intcdi As Integer

totRows = rowcounter
strOPfinalName = strOPtixPath & "\DOC" & intAATransId.ToString & "-0.pdf"

For intcdi = 1 To totRows

Dim IPdocument As PdfDocument = Pdf.IO.PdfReader.Open(strOPtixPath & "\Doc" & intAATransId.ToString & "-" & intcdi.ToString & ".pdf", IO.PdfDocumentOpenMode.Import)
Dim page As PdfPage = IPdocument.Pages(0)

If intcdi = 1 Then
joineddoc.Version = IPdocument.Version
joineddoc.PageLayout = IPdocument.PageLayout
End If

joineddoc.InsertPage(intcdi - 1, page)



End If

Catch ex As Exception
MsgBox("Create documents routine" & ex.Message & ex.StackTrace)

End Try


End Sub

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PostPosted: Wed Dec 22, 2021 9:03 am 

Joined: Tue Dec 14, 2021 7:21 pm
Posts: 4
OK - Time for an update:-
I think I know some of the factors that are preventing my process from concatenating these documents:
I have read that a Document may not have fields with the same name - which is logical. In a single document , that would be no problem but as soon as I add a page that had the same named fields then there is a conflict.
I had hoped to avoid this problem but flattening each page before saving but I have also read in this forum that the Flatten function makes the fields Read Only but does not absorb the field into the page. The field remains as a field.
I have not investigated any further why File Explore preview can see fields but Acrobat can not.

I shall look for another way to complete my documents.
Thanks to those people who have taken an interest.

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