PDFsharp & MigraDoc Foundation

Gray background on page
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Author:  marty.nord [ Mon Feb 20, 2023 1:31 am ]
Post subject:  Gray background on page

When I render my document which contains a header and a table, it is rendering it with a gray background behind it. Please advise how to remove the gray background. Thank you.

public static Document CreateReceipt(long userID)
// Create a new MigraDoc document
Document document = new Document();
document.Info.Title = "Your Receipt";
document.Info.Subject = "Your Receipt";
document.Info.Author = "https://www.greenthumbhub.com";

MigraDoc.DocumentObjectModel.Style style = document.Styles["Normal"];
style.Font.Name = "Verdana";
style.Font.Size = 10;

// Each MigraDoc document needs at least one section.
Section section = document.AddSection();

// Put a logo in the header
MigraDoc.DocumentObjectModel.Shapes.Image image = section.Headers.Primary.AddImage("/Images/header.jpg");
image.Height = "2.528in";
image.Width = "8in";
image.LockAspectRatio = true;
//image.RelativeVertical = RelativeVertical.Line;
//image.RelativeHorizontal = RelativeHorizontal.Margin;
image.Top = ShapePosition.Top;
image.Left = ShapePosition.Left;
//image.WrapFormat.Style = WrapStyle.TopBottom;

// Create footer
Paragraph paragraph = section.Footers.Primary.AddParagraph();
paragraph.AddText("www.greenthumbhub.com - Receipt.pdf - " + DateTime.Today.ToShortDateString());
paragraph.Format.Font.Size = 10;
paragraph.Format.Alignment = ParagraphAlignment.Center;

// Create the item table
MigraDoc.DocumentObjectModel.Tables.Table table = section.AddTable();
table.Style = "Table";
table.Borders.Color = Color.FromRgb(0, 0, 0);
//table.Borders.Width = 0.25;
//table.Borders.Left.Width = 0.5;
//table.Borders.Right.Width = 0.5;
table.Rows.LeftIndent = 0;

// Before you can add a row, you must define the columns
Column column = table.AddColumn("3in");
column.Format.Alignment = ParagraphAlignment.Center;

column = table.AddColumn("3in");
column.Format.Alignment = ParagraphAlignment.Right;

// Create the header of the table
Row row = table.AddRow();
row.HeadingFormat = true;
row.Format.Alignment = ParagraphAlignment.Center;
row.Format.Font.Bold = true;
row.Cells[0].Format.Font.Bold = true;
row.Cells[0].Format.Alignment = ParagraphAlignment.Center;
row.Cells[0].VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Bottom;
row.Cells[1].Format.Font.Bold = true;
row.Cells[1].Format.Alignment = ParagraphAlignment.Right;
row.Cells[1].VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Bottom;

List<CartInfo> cartItems = CartDAL.GetCart(userID);
if (cartItems.Count > 0)
foreach (CartInfo item in cartItems)
row = table.AddRow();
row.Format.Alignment = ParagraphAlignment.Center;

if (item.ProductID == GreenThumbConstants.PRODUCT_MONTHLY_AD && item.TermID == GreenThumbConstants.TERM_MONTH)
row.Cells[0].AddParagraph(item.Product + " - " + item.Quantity + " months");
else if (item.ProductID == GreenThumbConstants.PRODUCT_YEARLY_AD && item.TermID == GreenThumbConstants.TERM_YEAR)
row.Cells[0].AddParagraph(item.Product + " - 1 Year");
else if (item.ProductID == GreenThumbConstants.PRODUCT_DOWNLOADABLE_DIRECTORY && item.TermID == GreenThumbConstants.TERM_YEAR)
row.Cells[0].AddParagraph(item.Product + " - 1 Year");
row.Cells[0].Format.Alignment = ParagraphAlignment.Center;
row.Cells[0].VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Bottom;
row.Cells[1].Format.Alignment = ParagraphAlignment.Right;
row.Cells[1].VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Bottom;

// calculate total price
decimal total = 0;
foreach (CartInfo item in cartItems)
if (item.SubTotal != 0)
total += item.SubTotal;

// calculate card fee
decimal card_fee = 0;
if (total != 0)
card_fee = Math.Round(((total + Convert.ToDecimal(0.30)) / Convert.ToDecimal(0.971)) - total, 2, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero);
total += card_fee;

row = table.AddRow();
row.Format.Alignment = ParagraphAlignment.Center;
row.Cells[0].AddParagraph("Card Fee");
row.Cells[0].Format.Alignment = ParagraphAlignment.Center;
row.Cells[0].VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Bottom;
row.Cells[1].Format.Alignment = ParagraphAlignment.Right;
row.Cells[1].VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Bottom;

row = table.AddRow();
row.Format.Alignment = ParagraphAlignment.Center;
row.Cells[0].Format.Alignment = ParagraphAlignment.Center;
row.Cells[0].VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Bottom;
row.Cells[1].Format.Alignment = ParagraphAlignment.Right;
row.Cells[1].VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Bottom;

row = table.AddRow();
row.Format.Alignment = ParagraphAlignment.Center;
row.Cells[0].AddParagraph("Thank you for your business!");
row.Cells[0].Format.Alignment = ParagraphAlignment.Center;
row.Cells[0].VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Bottom;
row.Cells[0].MergeRight = 1;

return document;

Author:  marty.nord [ Mon Feb 20, 2023 2:23 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Gray background on page

Weird thing is that the gray background went away but the header image will not display.

I have tried several paths and none seem to work.


None of these work and the image is not displaying. Any advice?

Thank you.

Author:  TH-Soft [ Mon Feb 20, 2023 10:07 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Gray background on page

marty.nord wrote:
Any advice?
You must know where the image is stored.
Path like "images\header.jpg" or "..\images\header.jpg" are relative.

You can set the WorkingDirectory for the PdfDocumentRenderer. Relative paths will be resolved from this working directory.

You can convert the image to a BASE64 string to avoid using a file: http://pdfsharp.net/wiki/MigraDoc_FilelessImages.ashx

Author:  marty.nord [ Mon Feb 20, 2023 1:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Gray background on page

Thank you for your hep. The image is displaying now.

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