I am running PDFsharp 6.1.0, I am setting the value of Radio buttons with the following code.
PdfAcroField field = acroFormDict.Fields[whatname]; PdfRadioButtonField radioField = field as PdfRadioButtonField; PDFData data = header.Data.Find(x => x.Name == whatname); if (data != null && data.Value != null) { SetOptionByValue(radioField, data.Value.ToString()); }
Which calls
public void SetOptionByValue(PdfRadioButtonField source, string value) { if (source == null || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(value)) return; if (!value.StartsWith("/", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) value = "/" + value; List<PdfRadioOption> options = FindOptions(source); PdfRadioOption selectedOption = options.Find(x => x.Value == value); if (selectedOption == null) return; SetOptionByIndex(source, selectedOption.Index); }
public void SetOptionByIndex(PdfRadioButtonField source, int index) { if (source == null) return; List<PdfRadioOption> options = FindOptions(source); PdfRadioOption selectedOption = options.Find(x => x.Index == index); if (selectedOption == null) return; PdfArray kids = (PdfArray)source.Elements["/Kids"]; int j = 0; foreach (var kid in kids) { var kidValues = ((PdfReference)kid).Value as PdfDictionary; if (j == selectedOption.Index) kidValues.Elements.SetValue("/AS", new PdfName(selectedOption.Value)); else kidValues.Elements.SetValue("/AS", new PdfName("/Off")); j++; } }
private List<PdfRadioOption> FindOptions(PdfRadioButtonField source) { if (source == null) return null; List<PdfRadioOption> options = []; PdfArray kids = source.Elements.GetArray("/Kids"); int i = 0; foreach (var kid in kids) { PdfReference kidRef = (PdfReference)kid; PdfDictionary dict = (PdfDictionary)kidRef.Value; PdfDictionary dict2 = dict.Elements.GetDictionary("/AP"); PdfDictionary dict3 = dict2.Elements.GetDictionary("/N"); if (dict3.Elements.Keys.Count != 2) throw new Exception("Option dictionary should only have two values");
foreach (var key in dict3.Elements.Keys) if (key != "/Off") { PdfRadioOption option = new PdfRadioOption() { Index = i, Value = key }; options.Add(option); }
i++; } return options; }
It looks like it's working, but it's not completely, if I open the modified PDF in Edge/Chrome its set correctly, if I open in FireFox, Safari or Adobe Acrobat Standard it's not set, a few of the online viewers show it set and a few show it unset.
My guess is there is an attribute I am missing that needs to be set correctly.
If I open the PDF in one of the viewers where it does not work, I can set it and it then works, it's just not reading it properly.
Any help would be great.
Thanks for a great library as well.