PDFsharp & MigraDoc Foundation

RTF renderer doesn't resize images properly [Fixed?]
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Author:  MariusIonut [ Wed Jan 18, 2017 1:32 pm ]
Post subject:  RTF renderer doesn't resize images properly [Fixed?]

Hello, I've been using MigraDoc for a while now and I encountered two problems in version 1.32 ( http://pdfsharp.codeplex.com/releases/view/83749 ).
1. There is a casting problem in image rendering from double to float when using GetValueAsIntended. (ImageRenderer.cs attached) also was reported before on forum

2. The second problem is that in PDF the image is resized as requested but in RTF it is not. I can't find the problem so maybe I can get some help
I have attached image and the dlls.

It seems that its not actually a problem from migradoc.
\picscalex \picscaley
\picw \pich
Image resize arguments are written as is supposed to be but when opening the RTF in word document every image that doesn't have square format is altered by dividing picscaley by 4

ex: if we have an image with the arguments:
it will actually be read by Word as

but if we have a square image:
the reading is done properly

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using MigraDoc.DocumentObjectModel;
using MigraDoc.Rendering;
using MigraDoc.RtfRendering;

namespace ConsoleApplication4 {
    class Program {
        static void Main(string[] args) {
            Document document = new Document();
            // Add a section to the document
            Section section = document.AddSection();
            // Add a paragraph to the section
            Paragraph paragraph = section.AddParagraph();
            // Add some text to the paragraph
            var image = section.AddImage(@"C:\template_figure.png");
            image.LockAspectRatio = true;
            image.Height = Unit.FromMillimeter(243.3611);
            image.ScaleHeight = 0.95;
            const bool unicode = true;

            PdfDocumentRenderer pdfRenderer = new PdfDocumentRenderer(unicode);
            pdfRenderer.Document = document.Clone();


            RtfDocumentRenderer renderer = new RtfDocumentRenderer();
            renderer.Render(document.Clone(), @"C:\template_figure.rtf", null);

Just change C:\template_figure.png to where the image is and update the dlls location.

MigraDocLib.part2.rar [184.8 KiB]
Downloaded 1291 times
MigraDocLib.part1.rar [200 KiB]
Downloaded 1295 times
ImageRenderer.rar [3.19 KiB]
Downloaded 1272 times

Author:  MariusIonut [ Wed Jan 18, 2017 1:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: RTF renderer doesn't resize images properly

Reply to add the image, sorry, there is a maximum of 3 files per post and 256 kb per file.

template_figure.png [ 66.85 KiB | Viewed 15823 times ]

Author:  Thomas Hoevel [ Thu Jan 19, 2017 2:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: RTF renderer doesn't resize images properly [Updated]

MariusIonut wrote:
Image resize arguments are written as is supposed to be but when opening the RTF in word document every image that doesn't have square format is altered by dividing picscaley by 4
Thanks for the update.
Have you tried several Word versions?

Which value does \picscaley get when you fix the image in Word and save the document?

It seems that \pichgoal and \picwgoal are optional. Maybe you get better results if you leave \picwgoal or both out.

Author:  MariusIonut [ Thu Jan 19, 2017 4:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: RTF renderer doesn't resize images properly [Updated]


when opened in Word the sizes are Width: 30% and Height:15%, I've tried several Word versions.

Correct one is:


in Word is displayed as Width 30% and Height 30%

Author:  MariusIonut [ Fri Jan 20, 2017 11:27 am ]
Post subject:  Re: RTF renderer doesn't resize images properly [Updated]

After some digging and some blind conversions I came up with the solution(more of a hacky workaround?)

Dividing the pichgoal,picwgoal,pich,picw by 4 and multiplying picscalex,picscaley by 4 results in the perfect resolution.

Also I've tried other way to generate RTF(like DOCBOOK) files and somehow they all seem to result in wrong resized images.

fix in ImageRenderer.cs
        /// <summary>
        ///   Renders scaling, width and height for the image.
        /// </summary>
        private void RenderDimensionSettings()
            float scaleX = (GetShapeWidth() / _originalWidth);
            float scaleY = (GetShapeHeight() / _originalHeight);

            rtfWriter.WriteControl("picscalex", (int)(scaleX * 100 * 4));
            rtfWriter.WriteControl("picscaley", (int)(scaleY * 100 * 4));

            RenderUnit("pichgoal", GetShapeHeight() / scaleY / 4);
            RenderUnit("picwgoal", GetShapeWidth() / scaleX / 4);

            //A bit obscure, but necessary for Word 2000:
            rtfWriter.WriteControl("pich", (int)(_originalHeight.Millimeter * 100 / 4));
            rtfWriter.WriteControl("picw", (int)(_originalWidth.Millimeter * 100 / 4));

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