I have upgraded to PDFsharp 6.1.1 by adding it to my project using NuGet. I am running Visual Studio 2022 Community and have also upgraded to dotnet 8.0.402.
Since doing this my project can no longer create a pdf. I have modified my code to correct the older xFontStyle to xFontStyleEx etc., but now I get an error when I try:
Dim page As PdfPage = document.AddPage
I get error:
System .IO.File Load Exception. It says "Could not load file or assembly:"
"Microsoft.Logging.Abstactions, Version, Culture = neutral, PublicTokenKey = .......
Searching for this has led me to a concern that I should have have downloaded assets as per the "Prerequisites page:"
Does adding from NuGet still require this Prerequisite download of the assets? Or is this a separate issue altogether?
Thank you for you assistance.